Saturday, December 5, 2009

Another Chapter

Back in the day when I was working at a potato fresh pack company I was driving fork lift and running the main control center. I had some computer skills but not a great deal until my friend Matt helped me over the years to get my computer skills better. One day while at work, I was in the office filling out the paper work for the load of potatoes I just put in a rail car. When the big boss of the plant came out who said he was getting some air because he was frustrated. I asked what the problem was and he said the person he hired to get his computer up and running was 2 hours late and he needed to get to work. I told him that I could get his computer hooked up with no problem. He looked at funny with the facial expression of "you? a mere forklift driver?". He did however give me my shot and I had his computer up and running in about 20 minutes strait from the box. It felt like I was a kid with a new toy. After I got him up and running about 2 hours later the big boss came out into the warehouse looking for me wanting me to do the same to 5 other computers. This was when my forklift carer was done and my computer carer was born.
I was then put in charge of what was called the crows nest which had several computers to monitor and change all potato routs through the belts. I was able to get more training and hands on experience through out my time. When I would come home from work I had several friends and neighbors ask me for help with there computers and again with the help of my friend my computer skills improved. After another few years of that the potato plant ran into some financial difficulties and had to close and that put me out of a job.

At this time DELL had moved into the area and several people said it would be best for me to go apply and work for DELL. When they would ask me that my facial expression and thoughts were that they were out of there minds, this was professional work and in my opinion I did not have near enough skill to do that kind of work.

I had decided to go against my friends and family suggestion and went to work for a lumber yard that has been in operation since like the 1940's called Stars ferry building supply. My job was to take care of the yard and run deliveries with the occasional help with customers. For all there paper work everything was done on paper. For some time I started to get back into the frame of mind of a forklift driver because that was also part of my job and I did that allot when we would get resupplied. I started falling into a comfort zone and at times felt as though I was in a slump, but I was working and bringing home a pay check.

Then one day as luck would have it the store manager called us all in for a meeting and told us they were going to upgrade and bring in 5 new computers. We were all happy to have them go make work easier. That was not totally the case. One day as I got my delivery set up I went into the office to get my paper work and found all the office people staring at the screen. I asked if they were ok and with them saying yes I went to do my delivery. The job took an hour as there were special instructions as to were everything went. When I got back and walked into the office those same people that said they were fine was still staring at the screen not knowing what to do. I was able to take the mouse and keyboard and show them a whole new world. As I would go out and work I would get called into the office and help them with the computers, soon I was given a radio so when I would be out in the yard I would be able to be called so I could help them. Then it stated to be that I was constantly in the office helping and working on the computers if something went wrong. Suddenly I the forklift mentality left and my computer life kicked back in again.

So with that came my friends and families suggestion to go work for DELL. This time I remember thinking to myself, "why not, what will they say, no?". I went online and with the help if my sister-in law Misty in getting my resume set up I was able to get an interview with DELL.

I got the job with DELL right on the spot. I was in total shock. I was actually doing something I liked to do and I was helping people. I got hooked into the job, I even won awards for my technical skill and my skill with the customers. there was one award I got when allowed me to work with Flat screen monitors instead of the old 12 or 13 in CRT monitors everyone else was working on. I had 2 20 in flat screen monitors that were just awesome. I even won a brand new FREE computer wow. We had a meeting one day and one of the big wigs from Texas was there to let us know how the business was doing and all the numbers. they had a computer they were raffling off and everyone needed to write there names on a ticket. when all the business was done they pulled out the basket with the names and low and behold they called mine. I was in shock so bad that it took them twice to call my name and the guys around me had to snap me out of shock. Its been a year and a few months now that I have had this computer and its been awesome , Windows 7 running on it is amazing.

With this job also got me a certification with Microsoft, My MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional). It was a hard test to take but one I got it the opportunities have been coming in, OF course in any job there are going to be people that make the job great and their are people that make the job just crappy. There were several of the crappy people including a supervisor that didn't have a clue about business and then try to make life hard because they want you to do things that would make the team hate each other or want you to join there church or something like that. Then it turns out that he gets fired because he takes the company credit card and shoots up a huge bill of allot of "stuff" and gets caught. He is then ordered to pay it back but wont and gets fired.
After that fiasco we got T.J. our new awesome boss. He and our team coach Derek made our team which was so feeling down that they made us the number one team for all of DELL. that went on for quite some time until the unthinkable happened.
With this horrible economy and business shutting down I thought that would not happen to the computer industry, boy was I wrong. The big bosses thought it would be a great idea to let go the best group in all of DELL. The excuse was that DELL didn't own the building that was in Twin Falls ID. DELL has 3 other huge buildings that needed to be filled. The bosses did say that anyone could apply to go to one of the buildings in Oklahoma. After allot of thought and prayer the answer to my prayer was to stay in the area and be close to my family.

I was so angry that finally I had found my niche in life, something I was good at and it was ripped out from under me. In all the jobs I have done I was always failing or getting into some sort of trouble or being put in another department. I would do my best but it wouldn't seem enough and now everything was going great until they pulled the rug out from under me. I am over it. I understand what has happened and am moving on. this is just another chapter in my life that has now come to an end. So what am I going to do? That's easy, Turn the page.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Movie Reviews

This past week I had the chance to see two movies that had come out on DVD. the first one was UP if you haven't seen this show I recommend it as its great for the kids but also great for us adults as well. Ewwwwww did I just consider myself an adult? Ok its great for Kids and you adults out there to

this movie was fun to watch , it had excitement adventure Romance and even intrigue. I wont give it all away but it starts out with a young boy that follows his adventurous hero and through the years finds himself the a better adventure of his life. he turns to an old man who is devoted to his wife and they share a common connection as she also had the same hero as the her husband . The couple grow old together working on a there goal to get to the area where there hero is. After his wife passes away with out ever making it to that place her husband finds its necessary to get underway and full fill he and his wife's dream. this movie was also a tear jerk er for me. The husband and wife were truly a team and he made sure that her dreams were met with everything in his power. I recommend this move. Two thumbs up.

For the next movie and have to say its truly a movie that I fell in love with. I am a big fan of this franchise and I think I know quite about about it because I grew up with it I am talking about Star Trek. The brand new Star Trek movie has now come out on DVD This movie is very different from all the others that have been shown. The show is to depict Captain Kirk and Mr Spock in their academy days and the starting of there adventures. I have known the story since I was a kid. My first model I made was out of cardboard and tape. So the first thing I noticed about this move was that the ship itself was not right. then there was this thing with Spock and Uhura and they were in love and kissing on the ship and I was thinking what the heck is going on here. then as the show progressed it was reviled that this was an alternate reality. A huge Romulan ship comes back in time and changes everything. The reason they did this is because, well lets face it. Star Trek is 40 + years old. Things were starting to get old. Stories were not as good as they used to be. The movies that were coming out were good but they were losing ground. In order for Star Trek to survive there needed to be a reboot, a fresh restart. Now what ever they do, what ever story they put out its going to be ok. Its an alternate reality, plus its Star Trek, you can do anything in the Star Trek universe.

So these are the movies I watched this week. Thank you to my sister Ann for letting me borrow UP and most thank you to my wife for getting me the Star Trek movies. thank you dear, love you.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Car accident the other night.

So two nights ago Heather and I were at home sitting nice and comfortably watching TV. The time was coming up on 6:30 pm and the neighbor hood had quieted down and just like in the movies it was quiet, too quiet. As we sat there,suddenly we heard a loud bang. It startled us and we raced out to see what happened. As I was coming to the door Heather beat me to the door and yelled back to me "call 911"!!!!!!!!!
I grabbed the phone and dialed. The police and the fire department made it to the seen. What happened was a green Durango came down 16th street headed west. A sliver SUV was crossing 16th street on Oakley ave. As the silver car crossed the green car hit the silver car in the rear an made the silver car rotate a full 180 degree turn. Meanwhile the green Durango kept driving forward but plowed head on into the power pole and snapped it in half. I remember hearing a loud boom and several electric shocks.

No one was killed and there were no serious injuries,but all went to the hospital to be checked out.

Later that night city work crews came and replaced the pole.+-+

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Got to get back to bloggin.

Well as you can see its been a few months since I have been here. During that time we have endured blistering heat and then cool breezes. I haven't blogged in a while because I have been on Face book and got so interested in looking at what other people are doing and what they deal with. It has been very interesting and I do like face booking. I have missed blogging however. It is a great way to release any frustrations or just getting some thoughts out there for anyone to see.

I have something for you to get started. My neighbor has two cute little girls that love to come to our house and hang out with us on the swing. Lilly and Kayle. Kayle is almost 4 and Lilly is almost 3. They love to come over and play with the bubbles also.

Just recently we discovered that Lilly has gotten into politics. She is able to give her political opinion about our president. here is what she said. Enjoy all.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

And here we have Idaho Winning her way to fame.

OK so in the last few posts I have been discussing the weather and how its been changing all over the place. That is Idaho, it does that here, hence my title of this post. That is the beginning of the chorus of the Idaho State Song. So as of the last post the weather was awesome, It was warm and sunny and awesome. I would like to emphasize of this date 4/15/2009. It was supposed to be warm and sunny and awesome. Here is what I woke up to. Someday, maybe someday We will have spring. Or it just might jump into the scalding hot muggy of summer, Because you never know when your in Idaho, Winning her way to fame.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Spring may have sprung

Ok, in my last post I was pretty discouraged. It just felt as though we were going to be in the next ice age and it was never going to let up. As you saw the picture in my last post the tree was pretty cold and had some ice on it. I looked out my window today and found hope. As you can see here. The Icecicles have been replaced by some new buds soon to be blossems and then leaves. it is really nice to see a blue sky with a small breeze . Add General Conference weekend in and you have an awesome weekend. General Conference was wonderfull, as it always is.

But there was a plus in this weekend as well. Yesterday was Heathers' and mine wedding anniverary. We have been married 14 years. Its had its up and downs but I wouldn't change it now.

Thank you for reading.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Never Gonna be Spring

OK so Yesterday we are home sitting enjoying the swing because its finally warm. Wow finally spring has sprung. Nope not true. this is the picture I took this morning when I woke up. Hopefully one day. I know, I know its a bad attitude but it was really disappointing. It should get better some day.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Is is Spring yet?

I don't know about you, but I am ready for some spring. Bring on the warm weather.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Week Days to be Days off

For the last 3 months at work I have been working a 6:30 am to 3:30 pm Monday through Friday with Saturdays and Sundays off. I loved that shift and it was nice to go home while the sun was still up.

Well, as of late there has been allot of calls coming in with people and there broken computers. So many calls in fact that we have been putting in allot of over time. Now with that my schedule has changed and will be like this until May. So to compensate for all the calls coming in I will be working Monday and Tuesday, off Wednesday and Thursday, Work Friday and Saturday and off on Sunday. The time frame is 8:00 am to 7:00pm. So now I am working 10 hour shifts with 4 days of work. Its not bad really. I like the fact that I can now do something that needs taken care of during the week. Although I must admit that when that last hour on the second day hits I get excited to have a day off soon and not have to wait until Saturday.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Iron Chef

Well Heather and I are on the road to recovery of this lousy no good sickness, all I have left is this awful cough that according to my wife I sound like my grandpa Moncur when he would cough. Well, here's to you Grandpa.

We have spent every weekend at home working on getting better and sometimes I feel cooped up and out of sync with the world. I have been going to work but the drive has been horrible. We are still under an inversion and we have had fog here for the last 10 days. When I drive to work in the morning I can only see about 5 feet ahead of me. Like in Heathers post I can't wait for summer time to.

I am not sure if any of you have seen this show on TV but its called Iron Chef America. Heather has really gotten into this show. What happens is 4 top Chefs that have been named Iron chef are selected to compete against ameture Chefs. They also have a master of ceremonies that does back flips up to his podium, and screams at the top of his lungs like a crazy China man.(that's always a thrill) sometime down the road when he is back flipping he is going to miss. Anyway These people have to cook up something using secret ingredients. Some ingredients have been pretty nasty looking.

So tonight I am in the kitchen making dinner for Heather and I and she is watching Iron Chef, now here are pros making sauce and what not from scratch and here I am frying up hamburger for spaghetti and using Hunts spaghetti sauce, the sauce you can trust. Kind of reminds you of wild Hickory nuts, You know I may not be a professional Chef, but In the words of my father "Reminds me when I was working at Antwan's. (family members will get that joke). I made a pretty mean spaghetti dinner tonight and that's just fine. I am not sure if it will have the same after effect as my brothers Salomi club sandwich but you never now.

For more information on Davids culinary musical club sandwich read here.

Maybe next time I make dinner I will do a few back flips for Heather and land on a podium and serve dinner while screaming like a crazy China man. Just call me IRON CHEF GARY.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Been sick for a little bit.

Ever since New Years eve I have been sick. so that is the reason I have not updated the blog in a while. Heather was sick during the Christmas week and I was being a nurse for her and well that is how I got it. I have Bronchitis and a nice big sinus infection. Heather is now being a wonderful nurse for me. We just got back from the doctors and we are both on anti-biotics. I am still not feeling all that well so I don't have a great story for you but I do have something that might help out. Hope you like it. I call it, can't fix stupid.