Monday, May 31, 2010

I am free.

It seems that every ten years of my adult life  I get a nasty letter in the mail and I get  caught by “these” people, and for 3 months I have to sit on pins and needles wondering if this is the day “they” pick me and use me.   Let me take you back to last February of 2010.  I am at home, just started a new job and had been working at it for almost a month when the dreaded letter arrived.   Yes,  I am talking about Jury Duty.    It seems that ever since I became a registered voter when I was eighteen I have gotten these dreadful letters every 10 years.    I got the letter and read it.  It said that my Duty to serve would start March 1rst and run for 3 months.


My Juror number was 260 and I had to call once a week to find out if my presence was required at the courthouse for a trial.   The last time I was on Jury duty  I had to appear twice.  I was asked a series of questions pertaining to the case but I was not picked to be on the actual 12 for the trial.   This time, things were a little different.  If your number was chosen for a trial you received a post card in the mail telling you that you have been “chosen” and then you also have to call the phone number to get the date.  I received 2 of these post cards and both times I called the trial didn’t go through and I was pretty happy about it.   

So why am I blogging about this  you might ask?   Well remember my Jury Duty started March 1rst and would last 3 months.  Today Marks the day that my Duty is over, and with my luck for the next 10 years. 

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Its Garden time.

So the weather has had its ups and downs and during the ups Heather and I have started our garden.  Heather is always great with planting flowers around the house but its this year we wanted to do something different.   We have decided to do a full fledged garden. 

I got to tell you I need to get back in to shape badly.  We rented a Rot tiller from K&R rental.  Lets just say some times I had to hang on for dear life just so we could get the ground tilled up. PICT0017

In addition to brightening up our home and garden we have a newly budding blueberry bush.  At first I was wondering if it would work but low and be hold  we are getting fresh blue berries.  PICT0001

I am pretty excited about this summer as we will have a colorful yard as well as fruitful. We also have a nice assortment of flowers that will be planted an a large barrel that has been cut in half for a planter.PICT0002

I will keep everyone posted on how things go.