Sunday, March 27, 2011

This Weight loss bit.

So, for the past several months I have been working on getting myself better and creating a new me, let me tell ya its been quite The ride.  There have been ups and downs and  lets be honest here, when the downs came I just wanted to say screw it, I’m done,and forget the whole thing  but I am still working at it because I never want to go back to the way I was ever again.  I can easily say the ups have out numbered the downs which is nice to know.

I haven't been on the scale in a while but I think I am starting to come off that stupid plateau I have been on for almost a month or two or three or four or five  ha ha  no just kidding, it’s just felt like I have been on one for a long time.  I am looking better and feeling like a million bucks, that’s the best way I can describe it. My clothes are awfully baggy and my new ones feel like that actually fit the way they are supposed to.  I still have a ways to go but I know I am on the right track.

I wanted to take a moment and tell all my family and friends how grateful I am for your love and support.  I could never ever EVER have gotten this far without it.  As I said before  I have tried this a few times in the past years ………….and failed.    I also wanted to specially thank my friends that see me every day I am out there walking: Thank you for keeping me going.