Tuesday, August 12, 2008

More to it

As promised from the last log entry, I said there would be pics of the temple in the daylight. Here they are. hope you enjoy.


Misty Moncur said...

Those are really pretty pictures. It is about time you guys had a temple close by. I grew up with about 5 temples within an hours drive so it's like nothing special to me. Isn't that awful? I don't know what my deal with the temple is, I just don't like going. Yes, I know the Spirit is strong there. Yes, I know we are supposed to be ecstatic about every part of the Gospel. I'm probably going to hell.

Poohbear said...

Hey if UR going to hell....at lease I will not be alone....

Misty Moncur said...


chickychick1975 said...

Misty, don't feel bad. I lost feelings for the temple too.. mostly because I was jealous over the couples who could hold hands and whisper in each other's ears in the celesial room, but I gotta get back to the feel of the temple. you won't go to hell without me...

nice pics Gary, I really like the day time look and the night time look is fabulous too!

Gary said...

Thanks for the comments guys and yes we are all going to hell well untill we go though the temple Hee hee

Dave said...

you should start every entry as... Captin's log, star-date bla bla bla
we reached the plant tuti-ta in sector 7, there are signs of life...

Dave said...

time for a new post! airwolf or something.