Now I remember this part of the adventure. Zach and Kami were eyeballing this ride for quite sometime. (Now this is just from my perspective so the total story could be different but hey we'll go with it)
Zach and Kami approached the roller coaster. Zach's dad asked him if he wanted to ride the rollercoster and Zach looked at the ride and then at his dad and back at the ride again. I could see there was hesitation in his eyes. Just then his 3 year old sister Kami said with excitement "I wanna go on it" and she started heading for the ride. Well Zach didn't want to she showed up by his sister so he went for it. I gotta say. I know what its like when your hesitant to do something but you know you gotta do it. Zach switched in to brave kid mode.
now as you can see in the picture above they are riding and what looks like to be having a good time. But on further inspection and a good zoom in we find something else.

So as you can see there is fear but he still sat in that chair and went for the ride. Now I'm sure that he would probably go on it again if it were here right now but at this moment this very moment right now he wanted it to stop but he was not going to let any one down and he did awesome.
So I want to commend my brave nephew and tell him I love him and I'm proud of him.
As we walked the park we came up to another ride, A ride that I have hated since I first lay ed eyes on it.
The Infamous "Til-a-whirl."
My Dad was challenged by my mom to ride that ride. She said he was to chicken to ride it. My dad looked at her lifted his shoulders and said that he was going to ride it just to show her that he can, and as he turned he grabbed my hand and said I was coming to.
we got strapped in and the ride started going and at first it wasn't' bad. Then everything was spinning. everything began to blurr----- and dizziness set in. when the ride was over and we got off , I couldn't walk everything was spinning. My dad seemed to be in better shape and walked with just a little bit of a tilt. But for me I had to be held up . next thing you know the stomach couldn't Handel it any more and told the body "everybody move I'm letting loose" and well it wasn't pretty. We went home and I had to lay down for a while. ahhh memories.
I wanted to thank David and Misty for coming down and going to the fair and rodeo with all of us. I'm Glad Ann came and I'm really glad that Heather came to.
thanks for the close ups. That was funny when the ride scared that crap out of them when it first started! Too bad the place charged a mint just to ride there crappy rides.
I wish we had more time to spend and go shoot bows or guns or hand out just brothers or something.
nedt time we will have too.
Tell me when you're hanging out just brothers and I'll stay home. Those pics were cute of the kids. Zach did not know what to think about it.
I love the tiltawhirl. It's the best.
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