Friday, June 18, 2010

Monkeys in the tree.

I have monkeys swinging in my tree.  Our house is a center of attention at times.  When Heather and I are out sitting in the swing allot  of times neighbors will see us and come sit in the chairs we have and we will have a big conversation with everyone.  So while we are talking to the parents  there kids love to skateboard, ride bikes in the driveway, color with the chalk on the sidewalk and now the big attraction is climbing in our tree.  PICT0004


As long as no one gets hurt we  don't mind.  Heather and I are not going to be like old lady Benson that lived on my block when I was a kid and got mad every time we road past her house on our bikes.  Its not our fault that her dogs trampled her flowers every time we went by.


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