Monday, May 31, 2010

I am free.

It seems that every ten years of my adult life  I get a nasty letter in the mail and I get  caught by “these” people, and for 3 months I have to sit on pins and needles wondering if this is the day “they” pick me and use me.   Let me take you back to last February of 2010.  I am at home, just started a new job and had been working at it for almost a month when the dreaded letter arrived.   Yes,  I am talking about Jury Duty.    It seems that ever since I became a registered voter when I was eighteen I have gotten these dreadful letters every 10 years.    I got the letter and read it.  It said that my Duty to serve would start March 1rst and run for 3 months.


My Juror number was 260 and I had to call once a week to find out if my presence was required at the courthouse for a trial.   The last time I was on Jury duty  I had to appear twice.  I was asked a series of questions pertaining to the case but I was not picked to be on the actual 12 for the trial.   This time, things were a little different.  If your number was chosen for a trial you received a post card in the mail telling you that you have been “chosen” and then you also have to call the phone number to get the date.  I received 2 of these post cards and both times I called the trial didn’t go through and I was pretty happy about it.   

So why am I blogging about this  you might ask?   Well remember my Jury Duty started March 1rst and would last 3 months.  Today Marks the day that my Duty is over, and with my luck for the next 10 years. 

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