Sunday, October 26, 2008

A little recap of the last two weeks.

The last two weeks has seen shown some interesting things. As in my past posts we had some really crazy weather and snow to boot. Also around that time Heather and I had an interesting moment outside our front door.

I was sitting at the computer and I heard out from a large thump and what sounded like scraping for a few minutes . I sat there wondering what in the world that could be. a few minutes later my wife comes rushing through the front door with the biggest "holy cow " look on her face. She said Gar, you have to come out here fast and see this! As she turns around to go back outside she shouts "bring the camera". Well I was really wondering what was going on now if it meant me taking some pictures.

I got out side and I could see a Tall man in overalls and a ball cap on his head. He was mumbling some words which I will not say here because they were some heavy duty words that one would say when something like this happens. The man was driving his nice looking 1980's 4x4 jacked up pick up truck to come see my neighbor. As he turned the corner, his rear wheels and the shafts they are connected to pop out of the truck. When they pop out the rear end of the pick up slams to the ground and the driver then drags the truck the rest of the way past our house and to our neighbors, here are some shots of that.

Last Weekend My family went to the Mountains, more specifically the City of Rocks national park. We have gone there for years to camp and climb the rocks. My wife Heather, my little brother Brian and brother David and his wife Misty and the kids Zach and Kammy. Also we had the privilege of having Mom with us to. The only ones that were missing was our sister Ann who was at work and our late father who would have been proud to see all of us there. See , my wife's blog for details on Dad.

We had a great time climbing rocks and hiking and roasting a hot dog or two.

And lastly, last Friday I was able to have the most wonderfully out standing opportunity of renewing my drivers licence. My wife and I walked into the room and waited in line. When the lady who ran the facility said "next" it reminded me of how the lunch ladies acted when I was in Jr high school.

I was asked a few questions from this lady who had the personality of (in the words of my father) colder then a nun's bum. Although I know of something colder like a mother-in-laws kiss that would make hell freeze into the next ice age, but that is another story and one I will get into at another time.

This lady only looked at me twice, and in that time her questions were " are you and illegal alien? I calmly said no. but you should have heard the snickers coming from Heather. The lady then asked me if I was born in the United States? I again with a smile in the corner of my mouth said "yes". Then she asked if I was Chinese. I took a long pause Hopping that she would look at me, but she didn't. and I said no, although I wanted to start speaking broken garbled Chinese just to show this lady up. I filled out the necessary paper work and took the eye exam,

my eye site has changed since the last time I had them checked. I could read the letters all on line two that she asked me to read but it was a little harder and I had to squint to see the letters. looks like I better go see the eye doctor soon.

I sat down to have my picture taken and waited for my licence to be made. During that time another gentle man came in and wanted to renew his licence, this time I could see her actions and the way she asked the questions. I think she was a Jr high school lunch lady in another life or something.

The lady summoned me back to the counter and said my licence was ready. You want to know something a little Ironic? My eyes squinted at the moment the flash happened. I look a little Chinese

Thursday, October 16, 2008

All gone

Just wanted to update you on the snow situation. Its pretty much gone now. the sky has been nice and blue, and its been in the 50's and 60's for the temperature. I do hope that we have a fall season before we have a winter. I like to see the leaves change colors before they are covered in snow.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

An update to some cool news

A few Posts in this blog ago. I wrote to you about my status with my psoriasis and how I needed to have my cholesterol and liver checked so I will be able to take a new medication that will get rid of my psoriasis. Today I got my test results for my liver. a normal live point rating is 41. I am 43. I am a perfect candidate for this medication. With that and exercise I can over come this psoriasis. I probably will be starting on the new medication sometime next week, Wanted you to all know.

Also here is an update on the weather tonight. SNOW.

The changing faces of the weather

The last few days I have been driving over the bridge in Twin falls back and forth to work. Every time I look out into the snake river canyon its just a wonderful site to behold. With Fall time comes all the cool colors and the the warm but not to hot and not to cold weather.
Every time I drove across the bridge I said I will get the camera and get a picture of this, and each day I would forget the camera. Well last Thursday, I brought the camera. Here are a few shots of the canyon.

Now today is a different story. I woke up this morning at 8 am and sat down in the living room. I heard a pop, well more like a bang out side and suddenly the power went out. I got up and looked out the window and this is what I saw.

So as you can see, we have crazy weather. We were with out power untill noon today. It snowed alot. It is has been snowing all day long, even up to Blizzard status. It is expected to snow like this up untill noon tomorrow. Wow.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Some cool news.

As all of you know (or if you didn't know you will now ) about 12 years ago I started to develop psoriasis. Any were on my body if I were to be cut or punctured or something my body would wig out and say "fix it" and shove everything to the wound to fix the issue and there would be to much excess skin which would die and stay their. It would build up in patches. During the winter months these patches would get very dry and sometimes crack and bleed. Some would even form around my joints like my knee and elbows and it would hurt to move. Its not contages, it is hereditary and for some reason it was dormant until now.

I have used creams and ointments and there were times when they would work. Some of these creams were very potent and had to have a prescription. this cream when used could only be put on the psoriasis plague but if it touched good healthy skin it would burn like you wouldn't believe and in the burned spots cause the psoriasis to go more because my body said its hurt again "fix it"

I had to stop that and go looking around for something else and heard a radio commercial on my way to work on morning. It was a cream called dermarest. they said it would take care of it. and it was over the counter at Wal-mart. Well I got it, used it and for a little bit it looked like things were good. the white plaques were gone but it left red welts that didn't hurt but my body once again said "fix it " and tried to heal them.

Now mind you I have gone to see the dermatologist, in fact it was him who prescribed the cream that burned. Recently I went back to see him again and he looked at me and said that it looks worse from the last time I was in but there was something new.

He told me of a pill that I could take that could clear it all up in one stoke and that I would have normal looking skin, I can't remember the name because it was long

Now this pill is big time potent. Its great, but there are some requirements. I can't have high cholesterol and my liver has to be able to handle it. Ok so I got scared there. I know I'm not in the greatest of shape, so for a while I didn't take the blood test. And I just dealt with it. Well there became a new development. I started to retain water in my legs and was put on a water pill to get it off. It works , theres no doubt, I take allot of bathroom breaks, but some times my legs get so bad that they swell up and when they stretch the psoriasis breaks and the wound oozes and mixes in with dead skin and causes the fungal infection and I would have to be put on antibiotics.

Well I couldn't stand it anymore and my poor wife would go through my pain to because I would be just a big grump and it wasn't fair to her. I took the blood test. Just one little poke and that was that.

I got to a point where I was wondering how things went but didn't pursue it much. I let it go for a while. I was then thinking lets find out so we went back to the doctor and asked for the results.

We walked in the Dr's office and sat down and asked him to give it to us strait and to see how bad of shape I was in. Dr Boehmer looked at his records and looked at me and shook his head and said it was unbelievable about my cholesterol. He said it was lower then his. I was in shock. I thought it was going to be skyrocketed through the roof but the doctor said my cholesterol was well below 100 points and all my other LDL and HDL were fine to. We don't have the results for the liver test back yet but the Dr said that with the cholesterol and everything looking the way it is I am going to be just fine and a perfect candidate to take this pill.

So If I can take this pill and be psoriasis free, that's going to be one of the best things to happen in a long time. I thought you all should know this.